Greenhouse Diffused Plastic Film, Polyethylene Covering, UV Resistant, Diffued light - China Beijing Fenglong Greenhouse

Greenhouse Diffused Plastic Film, Polyethylene Covering, UV Resistant, Diffued light

Deskribapen laburra:

Optimizatua lausoa Argia, Goi Moztu Etekina, Landareak Babesteko, Goi Addictive Metallocene erretxinak, UV babesa, hobeto iraunkortasuna eta LONGEVIDAD, Anti-tantaka & Anti-hautsa, Multi-geruza Technology, Stronger Puntzioa eta Malko Erresistentzia,% 100 Inportatutako New materialak, Japoniako Teknologia eta formulazioa, Better termikoaren efektua, ebaki pertsonalizatua Luzera eta zabalera

  • FOB Prezioa: US $ 0,5 - 9.999 / Piece
  • Min.Order Kopurua: 100 Pieza / piezak
  • Hornidura gaitasuna: 10000 Pieza / Hileko per piezak
  • Portuko: Xingang, Txina
  • Ordainketa baldintzak: T / T, L / C, D / A, D / P,
  • Produktuen xehetasuna


    Nola erabili


    Zer da Berotegi estaldura Film ?
    Greenhouse covering film, also known as agricultural plastic, polyethylene, poly film or greenhouse plastic, is a durable and inexpensive way to cover your little backyard hobby greenhouse or large commercial greenhouse project, it is also widely used in single and double layer greenhouse.
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    Optimizatua Argiaren banaketa:
    Diffused light reaches plants from many different angles while regular light transmission remains
    bera, argi banaketa optimizatzeko negutegian leku guztietan
    Light from the sun passing through the covering film and entering a greenhouse is split into direct and diffused. Light diffusion causes a film to look hazy to human eye – this doesn’t mean, however, that the film is less transparent. The PAR (photosynthetic active radiation) received by plants is the same
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    landareak babesteko erredurak:
    Light diffusion reduces shadows, ensures more uniform distribution of light in the greenhouse so that it reaches even the lower parts of the plants, prevents burnings and offers a moderate cooling effect.
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    Lehenago Harvest, Goi laborantza errendimendu:
    It is now generally accepted that diffused light has a positive effect on plant growth, especially for spring and summer crops and in areas with strong sunlight.
    The diffusion film is very popular all over the world, which is used widely in France, Spain, Israel, Turkey, Australia, African countries etc., because the diffusion film with uniform distribution of light is good for the plant’s phot-osynthesis.
    It is proved by experiments that, regardless of planting cucumber, tomato, or flowers, the diffusion film can in-crease the yield of them
    The increased yield percentage is as follows: Cucumber(4-10%),Tomato(8-10%),Mixed Sweet Pep-per(5%),Rose(5%). This increased yield is caused by the lights of Diffusion film, the Diffusion lights are going to all parts of plant, making the photosynthesis more sufficient.
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    UV babesa, hobeto iraunkortasuna eta LONGEVIDAD:
    Advanced UV stabilizers maximize physical properties for the longer life of film and help protect it from chemical damage. Apart from the occasional tornado, hurricane, or hailstorm, more damage is done to greenhouse film by sunlight than any force of nature. It’s the ultraviolet component of sunlight that does the damage, resulting in yellowing and weakening of the covering film. Fortunately, you can buy greenhouse film that has built-in resistance to the damaging effects of UV radiation. If you buy a plastic that does not have UV protection, you can expect a very short service life from that poly – very possibly no more than a single year. Most greenhouse films that ARE treated with UV protection, on the other hand, have a service life rating of from 3 to 5 years.
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    Anti-tanta & Anti-Hautsa
    Droplets formed at the inside surface of greenhouse films due to water-condensation have negative consequences on plant quality and growth, as they reduce light transmission and increase the incidence of certain diseases, To prevent this from occurring, we use a special anti-drip (AD) additive, which flattens the water droplets into a layer of water that runs down the sides of the greenhouse. So the film with the function of Anti-Drip can reduce the need for pesticides, delay the onset of diseases, significantly improve light transmission, promote early harvesting, and contribute to enhanced yield quantity and quality.
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    Gure anitzeko geruzak estrusio teknologia erabiliz, hautsa murrizteko gehigarri bat gehitu dugu gure azalean film geruza da. Modu honetan, goiko estalkia film geruza batez leuna da eta hau nabarmen hautsa pilatzea murrizten.
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    Stronger Puntzioa eta malko Erresistentzia
    An unique manufacturing process conditions and quality control procedures provide to the films excellent mechanical strength, we are using special high-strength polymers. Our advanced Japanese resin technology provide TOYOTANI’s films with superior tear strength, These films offer additional safety in critical areas with very strong winds.
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    % 100 Inportatutako Marka Material Berriak
    Fenglong has 20 years experience and careful selection of raw materials, we import the additives from Japan, and other materials from USA, Japan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, to keep the film top quality.
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    Hobeto termikoaren efektua
    TOYOTANI® special Multi-layer films, containing a combination of EVA and Infra-Red additives skillfully structured in the middle layers, which absorb the Infra-Red radiation and reduce heat losses throughout the night.
    Premium Hydrotalcite Material Better termikotasuna manten

    film termikoa abantailak dira:

    • izozteak eta tenperatura baxuak babesa.
    • Leuntzen tenperaturaren beherakada eta gaueko tenperatura altuagoa orokorra.
    • Murriztua energia berokuntzarako kontsumoa.
    • Goi laborantzaren errentagarritasuna.
    • uzta lehenago.
    • laboreen kalitatea hobea.

    Nola Berotegi termiko filmetan lan?
    Berotegi-batean, egun osoan zehar, eguzkitan, bai argi ikusgai eta uhin laburrak argi infragorria osatzen dute, hau da, landareak, lurzorua eta eraikuntza horrek horiek emaitzak berotzen materialak xurgatu. Gauez duten energia hori xurgatu objektu guztiak askatu da betiere olatuen erradiazio infragorria. Film termiko bat xurgatzen du eta berriro igorri energia hau, handiagoa berotegi-tenperatura eta beraz txikiagoa berogailu kostua mantenduz. Film Thermal orokorrean berez ordaindu estaldura lehen urtean zehar
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    Pertsonalizatua Ebaki Luzera eta zabalera
    Special cut lengths and width are available, so you can order the exact amount at different size according to your different greenhouse disign.
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    Application Cases
    Berotegi estaldura Film

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  • Aurreko:
  • Hurrengoa:

  • Berotegi estaldura Film eskuragarri dago lodiera sorta batean, oro har, 3 mils (0.08mm) 8 mils (0.20mm) gehienez hasita, Oharra: 1 mil poli film lodiera 0.0254mm.The iraunkortasuna gehienbat eraginak eta espero erabilgarriak plastikozko-bizitza. Halaber, plastiko lodiagoa, orduan eta argi gutxiago haren bidez transmititzen. Baina plastikozko lodiera eragin txikia bero-kopuru hori plastikozko barrena galdu daiteke haren ditu.
    6 eta 8 mil (0.15mm eta 0.20mm) film gehien erabiltzen berotegi-plastikoaren lodierak dira.




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